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Showing posts from May, 2020

Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches Mission 3, "Delilah's Masterwork"

"Who have your victims been Daud? Civil servants? The housekeeping staff? Drunken boys on watch duty and frail old aristocrats? None like me." The initial impression of the Delilah's Masterwork level is akin to an Elder Scrolls game. Shades of verdant green are a rarity in the gloomy world of Dishonored, and this is quite a striking first blush for the finale of these expansion packs. The hulking gothic facade of the manor is imposing and acts as a centrepiece to multiple battles with the witches on its lawns. The Riverkrusts are back and seem to act as a sort of alarm system, and there are more tripwires than anywhere else in the game. You can find the front door key or get in through the crypt, and I recommend at least visiting the crypt. Like much of the interior spaces in the level it features drooping vegetation that seems to glisten with an arcane light, like something from a Bloodborne chalice dungeon, and it has a wonderful jump scare that, although predictable, i...

Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches Mission 2, "The Dead Eels"

The penultimate mission of Dishonored's DLC packs involves you immediately walking into the middle of a gang war. You can get involved or observe from the rooftops in a nice example of a game world existing and carrying on regardless of what the player is doing. The Hatters and the Dead Eels fill the four maps that comprise this expansive level, and there is much fun to be had. Hopefully you have got Daud's Pull ability unlocked and upgraded, as this is a good mission to mess about with it. Waiting for an Eel gang member to huck an acid flask at you before pulling them in front of it, dropping people into the river for the hagfish to snack on and generally moving people around while they're trying to have a brawl that you may or may not be a part of. Overall this is one of the most bustling open areas in the various slices of Dunwall that the Dishonored Definitive Edition has to offer. You're dealing with wide areas including shopping concourses, market streets, d...